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The gestures of friendship

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The gestures of friendship

The elderly reached by assistance at home is 7,000 in Italy, 2,000 in Europe (Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia), 1,000 in Latin America (Guatemala, Salvador, Argentina) and North America where the Sant’Egidio Community has been instituted only recently. More than half of these elderly are over 75 years old; 2/3 live alone. Those who are more fragile are those whose risk of institutionalisation either on a short term or long term basis is higher. More than a third of the elderly are not self-sufficient or are partially so. Disease, invalidity, other difficulties are reasons to multiply efforts as well as companionship so that the elderly can stay home. It is indeed possible to assist the elderly when he lives through physical deterioration, disease, the loss of self-sufficiency. It is clear that this means above above all intervening to respond to his fundamental needs, those that are tied to his survival. The care of the elderly person is a priority concern as well as the monitoring of his health. Attention to health is aimed at preventing invalidity and the lack of self-sufficiency, at making sure that the disease does not become worst, at promoting a physical – psychological and social well-being of the elderly. To this aim we carry out the following tasks:

Measure the blood pressure, cardiac frequency, body temperature.


Control glycemia.

Control and apply various therapies.

Control the daily diet.

Prevent bed soars.

Make sure that the limbs are correctly placed and have their correct function for those who are bed-ridden.

Motivate to mobility those who are bed-ridden.

Assure personal hygiene and physical care.

Assist daily activity (dress; get up from bed; cook; etc.);

Accompany at specialist medical visits.

Contact the general practitioner and other doctors.

Assure minimal first aid.

Assist in hospital care when admitted.

 Other tasks:


Look after the household (cleaning, small maintenance, food shopping, etc.)

Help in administrative matters.

Accompaniment to pick up the social security.

Help contacts with friends, neighbours and relatives.

Sustain family members.

The willingness to live is decisive for the elderly. E' ben documentato anche It has been proven also by scientific literature that the “erosive suicide” exists, in other words letting oneself die slowly in absence of valid reasons to live. One can not forget those that seem to be secondary needs, but on the contrary can have an impact on the actual survival. Social relations, occupying oneself, culture, work, faith, are fundamental dimensions which are important for everyone, but especially when one is old they can determine the dignity or the lack of dignity of one’s existence, the desire to live or to let oneself die. The action we take is the following:

Support the life of faith.


Support social and family life.


Lunches and dinners out.


Meetings, conferences.

Theatrical performances.

Occupational activities.

Summer holidays.

The Aged

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Elderly: the creation of a Minister for Loneliness in the United Kingdom is an alarm bell

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Benin: Sant'Egidio opens in Savé a Family House for elderly in need

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