Living close to the elderly has give rise, over the years to a wealth of experience and awareness that has been put to the service of many in order to overcome a marginalising mentality and in order to construct a culture of solidarity and acceptance towards those who are elderly. In this context fairly stable relationships have been established with all the social, health or voluntary services and above all, where present, with the institutional services of assistance in the home. The aim of this collaboration is that of allowing all existing resources to be directed toward the elderly that need them. Many elderly remain outside the system of assistance. The co-ordination, integration, and the construction of a network of services have not remained a slogan. They are a necessity and an opportunity for all those people who work concretely to improve the living conditions of the elderly.
For those who work closely with the elderly, the will to defend their life, has meant developing an ability for communication and an attitude of collaboration, so as to communicate the wealth of the lived service to many and to spread a culture of solidarity.
The relationship with the families of the elderly represents a very difficult topic. When the families have lost contact with the elderly, a relationship is attempted by removing the more various obstacles that can constitute a source of suffering for the families and the elderly person. In the frequent case of families in difficulty, with economic, social, social problems (unemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, handicapped relatives, divided families) this intervention is aimed at supporting the entire family. An attempt is always made however, to favour the permanence or the reintroduction of the elderly person into the family context.
It often happens that families, even when they want to help their elderly parents, are not prepared. Here, our support tends to involve, with appropriate incentives, all institutional resources, supporting the wishes of the family and the elderly person.