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Ivanka Trump to Sant'Egidio: ''Thanks for your work for women redemption and against human trafficking''

US President's Advisor visited the Community in Rome

Ivanka Trump, Senior Advisor of the President of the United States Donald Trump, visited this morning the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome. The meeting with the founder of the Community, Andrea Riccardi and the President Marco Impagliazzo, focused on peace, Africa, fighting povery and human trafficking. At Sant'Egidio Ms. Trump met also some women victim of human trafficking, who started a new life with the support of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

During the visit she said: "I would like to thank the Community of Sant'Egidio. The work you do resonates strongly not just here, but throughout the world. We talked about the many different programs that have been successfully launched and developed over many, many years now that have provided support and help to those who need it most, whether it's the elderly or the disadvantaged, and also victims of human trafficking throughout African and the whole world.

So it was a great privilege to be able to be here and the hear firsthand from these tremendous throughout leaders about the work that's being done, what has worked and what has the potential to work better and to be better executed in the future. I am grateful for the kind invitation and I look forward to supporting your efforts going forward. Now we're going to go and meet with some remarkable women who are testaments to strength, faith and perseverance in the face of unspeakable adversity and challenge, and it will be an honor to meet them. I look forward to hearing from them directly about their struggles and how they were able to rebuild their lives."

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