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Humanitarian Corridors for refugees

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We wondered: how to prevent the deaths at sea of thousands of people, including many children?

The answer was: let us create ...

Humanitarian Corridors for refugees


What are the humanitarian corridors?

It is a pilot project carried ouy by the Community of Sant'Egidio, in collaboration with the Federation of Evangelical Churches and the Waldensian and Methodist Churches, completely self-funded.

The main goals of this project are:

1. To avoid journeys on the boats in the Mediterranean, which have already caused a high number of deaths, including many children;

2. To avoid human trafficking, preventing the exploitation of human traffickers who do business with those who flee from wars;

3. To grant people in "vulnerable conditions" (victims of persecution, torture and violence, as well as families with children, elderly people, sick people, persons with disabilities) legal entry on Italian territory with humanitarian visa, with the possibility to apply for asylum.

It is a safe solution for all, because visa issuing procedures require all the necessary checks by Italian authorities.


Once in Italy, the refugees are welcomed in houses at the expense of our associations. We teach them Italian language, enroll their children to school, promote integration in Italy and help them to find a job.

Between February 2016 and August 2017, about 1000 people have already arrived, they are Syrians fleeing the war. The project foresees the arrival of one thousand people in a period of two years.

How do they work?

Humanitarian Corridors are the result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Community of Sant'Egidio, in collaboration with the Federation of Evangelical Churches and the Waldensian and Methodist Churches and the Italian Government.
Associations send volunteers who make direct contact with refugees in the countries were the project works, they prepare a list of potential beneficiaries to be transmitted to the Italian consular authorities, and after a check by the


Ministry of Interior, the issue humanitarian visas with "limited territorial validity", that means valid only for Italy. Once the refugees arrive in Italy legally and safely, they can apply for asylum.

How are humanitarian corridors funded?

Humanitarian corridors are totally self-funded by the associations that promot the project

It is possible to support the humanitarian corridors through a donation: discover how>>

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