Carissima/osentiamo l’urgenza di ritrovarci nuovamente assieme per fronteggiare le sfide di questo nostro tempo eccezionale. Il folle e sacrilego conflitto in Ucraina ha svelato il volto disumano di ogni guerra, già scritto nella carne di tanti rifugiati....
Dear friends, Sant'Egidio is a family gathered by the Gospel. That is why at Christmas, when families all over the world gather around the table, the Community celebrates with the poor, who are our relatives and our friends.A feast that has withstood the...
Dear friends,the webinar "No justice without life" marked a time of large commitment for a world without death penalty: speeches and testimonies from every corner of the world have involved all of us in the movement of the Cities for Life that - started...
Dear participant, we are sending you instructions and useful contacts in case you have problems connecting to the Zoom webinar "No Justice without Life" scheduled for today at 17.30h (Local Time in Rome, Italy).Please connect 15 minutes before the start...
A thread of life for those condemned to death: this is the hope born from an international mobilisation of people writing letters to prisoners; of Cities for Life lighting up their monuments on 30 November; of thousands of signatories to online petitions calling...
As part of the World Day "Cities for Life, Cities against the Death Penalty" on November 30, the Community of Sant'Egidio is promoting an international webinar entitled "No Justice without Life" with experts, activists, witnesses and representatives of...
Dear friends,To follow the event "The Church is Burning. The Future of Christianity" with Sister Yvonne Reungoat and Professor Andrea Riccardi from a distance, you can connect to the live broadcast from the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere by simply...
We address you with an urgent appeal. John Hummel, who has lived on death row in Texas for ten years, is expected to be executed in a few days.After the interruption motivated by the pandemic, while in other American states the death penalty is not applied...
Dear Friends, This Christmas of 2020 has been one “on the street”, made up out of visits, the offering of meals and gifts, of friendly presence in other ways, to express, be it at the necessary distance, a closeness of heart to the most fragile and...
Dear friends,Christmas 2020 is a special Christmas. In truth, every Christmas is special because every Christmas is a unique and new event. Indeed, this year we will experience it in a world, where Jesus is born in a sick world; sick because of the coronavirus,...
On the occasion of November 30, 2020, with more conviction than ever, the Community of Sant'Egidio promotes the world day "Cities for Life, Cities against the Death Penalty".Join the Webinar: #stand4humanity #nodeathpenaltyNOVEMBER 305.30 p.m. to...
Dear friends,Many years have passed since 27 October 1986, when religious leaders of the different traditions and faiths gathered on the hill of Assisi for the first time. They had been invited by the Pope St. John Paul II to pray for peace at each other’s...