Today's videos

Marco Impagliazzo: “From Bologna a greater commitment from believers of all religions, for Peace and the good of our Earth” #bridgesofpeace2018

We are at the heart of the convention in Bologna - “Bridges of Peace”, here in Piazza Maggiore, facing the Basilica of San Petronio. Here, the closing ceremony of this great international, inter-religious and ecumenical congress is taking place. During these days, many had the chance to speak, to share their experience and, above all, to express the need to build new bridges of peace for this world.

Those who live and feel as minorities in so many countries have expressed it. Therefore, bridges are not a choice rather a necessity.
It has been said by those living where globalisation has created new scenarios. While building a bridge one must always be mindful of the other shore. There, on the other side of the river, people different from us stand. Only the bridge allows us to experience diversity: it unites differences and creates new possibilities for living together and, above all, for a life in peace.But above all, it seems to me these days have told us something.

Let's move on, we must move on, we need to work for a spiritual unity of our world. So far we have built a unity within commerce, trade, and transport. We move from one side of the world to the other with great freedom, but we need values to be united, we need a spiritual unity. This is the question emerging these days from Bologna. Many bridges and among those I would like to point out at one, the one towards our mother Earth, towards creation.

From Bologna comes a greater commitment from believers of all religions, and the humanists, to work harder for the good of our Earth, to protect the environment in which we all live. This is the only way for the entire human family to have a future, as of bearing in mind the spirituality, the values, as well as our mother earth.