Today's videos

Together with the poor on the streets of the world: this is how religious communities live the joy of the Gospel

Meeting and celebration of the congregations engaged with the poor and Sant'Egidio

Together with the poor on the streets of the world: this is the title of the feast with religious orders, seminarians and friends of the Community of Sant’Egidio, which took place on Tuesday 28th May in the premises of Santa Maria in Trastevere.  More than 200 religious persons, who throughout the year share the friendship with the poor together with the Community, visited the stands dedicated to the homeless, to people with disabilities and to the DREAM project.
 Afterwards, a lively assembly where the creativity of synergy and initiatives have come to light: from the humanization of the suburbs to the relief of the poorest (soup kitchen and food rounds with homeless people, hospitality during the cold emergency, hospitality journeys to get out of the street), to the depth of friendly relations marked by the Gospel, with many of them.