Today's videos

Living the spirit of Assisi together with of Pope Francis, giving hope to a world disoriented by the pandemic. Marco Impagliazzo introduces October 20th event on "Peace and Fraternity"

Marco Impagliazzo introduces the Meeting of Prayer for Peace in the spirit of Assisi: "No one is saved alone. Peace and Fraternity

«“No one is saved alone. Peace and fraternity” is the title of this year’s interreligious Meeting for peace in the spirit of Assisi which will take place in one single session on one afternoon due to the Covid-19 emergency, on Tuesday October 20 on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. We are very happy that this Meeting can be held, because there was and is a need for words of peace, words that indicate a future for humanity so overwhelmed by this pandemic. We are very happy that Pope Francis will participate in the meeting, together with other important representatives of the world religions.

 Of course, there will be space for prayer, each according to his own tradition, and then there will be space for speeches, to hear and understand together what religions and religious worlds have to say to humanity to find a future after the pandemic, so as not to be discouraged, not to be stunned after these hard and difficult months that have also caused and are causing a great economic and social crisis that touches the lives of many persons and has left everyone poorer. That is why the words of the Prayer for peace are important words for this time and will have – I hope – a great significance and will give us all more courage, not just to face this crisis personally but also to give hope to those who are most affected by it. We will follow a lot, all through social media because, respecting the rules of this period, only few people may be present. But we embrace each other virtually and all listen to these words that will give us – I think, I hope – lots of hope».