Today's videos

South Sudan, Sant'Egidio: understanding to monitor the ceasefire. Italy will provide military training and advice

Press conference - Video

The results of a new round of negotiations for peace in South Sudan, which took place with the mediation of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome from 9 to 13 November, have been announced in a press conference this afternoon.
The military delegations of the armed opposition (SSOMA) - not a signatory of the peace agreement of September 2018 - and the Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) met to discuss and negotiate the concrete implementation of the ceasefire and the eventual violations.
The Secretary General of the Community of Sant'Egidio, Paolo Impagliazzo, explained that the SSOMA - after extensive discussions - decided to join the CTSAMVM (Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements, Monitoring and Verification Mechanism) starting from 1 January 2021. This will allow the SSOMA to have its representatives in the direction and in the various structures at regional and local level of the Mechanism. 
From January 1, SSOMA military officers will be selected, trained and deployed in various structures of the monitoring mechanism where government representatives already are positioned, according to a time schedule established by the regional organisation of the Horn of Africa (IGAD). From then on, the military of both parties will work together.
This is a crucial step to stop violence, protect civilians, guarantee free access for humanitarian organisations and continue the political dialogue between the parties. It has been underlined by all the representatives of the parties at the press conference: Paolo Impagliazzo for Sant'Egidio, Ambassador Ismail Wais for IGAD, General Hamid Mohamed Dafaalla, Vice-President of CTSAMVM, General Emmanuel Rabi for the government and General Samuel Lado for SSOMA.
Special thanks have also been expressed to the Italian Ministry of Defence - intervened during talks with Admiral Gianfranco Annunziata. The Italian Army will assist in the military training and advice.