Today's videos

On 31st January, the memory of Modesta Valenti and all homeless people who died for the hardness of life on the street.

Live at 12:00 (UTC 1) from the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere.

Many years have passed since that 31st January 1983, when Modesta Valenti, a 71-year-old woman, homeless, felt ill at the main train station in Rome. She died without receiving any help. The first of many "friends on the street" whose unjust deaths - due to cold, hardship, untreated diseases, and violence - we do not want to forget.

The story of Modesta

Their memory is at the heart of Sant'Egidio’s commitment for those who are poor, homeless. A dedication made of food, closeness, and everyday search of positive solutions. And ceaseless remembrance in prayer. Together with Modesta, we will remember all the names and stories of our "friends on the street" who are no longer there. May the memory of injustice create a more human and more caring city, particularly for the poor.

Sunday 31st January 2021 at 12 noon (UTC 1) the Liturgy  in memory of Modesta Valenti will be broadcasted live from Santa Maria in Trastevere on both social media (Facebook and Youtube) and Sant’Egidio website.