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We have learned of the execution of Quintin Jones with deep sorrow. Forgiveness from the victim's family and the appeal of hundreds of thousands of people did not stop the logic of death

Quintin was 41 years old. His execution has been the first state execution in Texas since July 2020. It was the first time the media have not been admitted to an execution, due to a miscommunication, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
He was 21 years old when he was sentenced and spent 20 years on death row.
The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles voted to deny clemency to Quintin Jones, ignoring a request by the victim's family - Berthena Bryant, Quentin's great-aunt - who had asked Texas Governor Greg Abbott to commute the death sentence to life imprisonment. The victim's family's plea for clemency turned into a petition that was supported by more than 150,000 people. In addition, thousands of appeals were collected - also through this website -from all over the world.
The victim's sister and great-aunt of Quentin had appealed for clemency for him, saying: "I think the governor should spare him, because he has changed and is a different person than he used to be." Quentin acknowledged that receiving forgiveness had given him the strength to change: "by loving me dearly enough to forgive me, they gave me the strength to try and do better and to want to do better".
A childhood of poverty, neglect, abuse and drug addiction were not considered mitigating factors in the trial. Quentin did not blame circumstances for his actions. He always expressed deep remorse, and for a long time he had believed he deserved to die. 
Before the execution, Quentin said: "I would like to thank all of the supporting people who helped me over the years. Love all my friends and all the friendships that I have made. They are like the sky. It is all part of life, like a big full plate of food for the soul. I hope I left everyone a plate of food full of happy memories, happiness and no sadness."
Last night, the Community of Sant'Egidio prayed for Quintin in the evening prayer at Santa Maria in Trastevere. In his meditation on the Gospel of Matthew, 6, 7-15 Fr Marco Gnavi said: 'Forgiveness is life, lack of forgiveness is death'. Listen to the prayer

A video of Quentin pleading for clemency