Today's videos

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I at Sant'Egidio on the vigil of the meeting "Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth"

On Sunday 3 October, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I visited the Community of Sant'Egidio together with a delegation of metropolitans of the Holy Synod, in advance of the meeting of dialogue and prayer for peace "Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth".

In the meeting, the Patriarch, who celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of his election on the throne of Constantinople this year, emphasized the long and 'familiar' friendship that binds him to the Community and that is consolidated in the shared commitment to dialogue between Christian Churches, religions and the care of the 'common home'.

Together with Andrea Riccardi, Marco Impagliazzo and other representatives of Sant'Egidio, also the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Angelo De Donatis, was present.

At the end of the meeting, Andrea Riccardi gave the Patriarch a work by the sculptor Timothy Schmalz, a "Begging Christ". The Patriarch, who had been impressed by the statue of Homeless Jesus by the same author at the entrance of Sant'Egidio, greatly appreciated the gift.

In the coming days, Bartholomew I will participate in the opening ceremony of the Meeting "Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth" that will take place at the Congress Centre "La Nuvola" on Octeober 6 and the following day, Ocotober 7, he will take part in the Prayer for Peace between Religions at the Colosseum, with Pope Francis.