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Care for the common home, a goal common to all religions, is the theme of Forum 2 of #FraternityForFuture, 7 October at 10 am

Religions, with their age-old wisdom, can teach people to look after nature, to work together to protect the environment and to abandon a predatory attitude. After the pandemic, we cannot go back to the life we had before, but we must come out of it together, finding also the strength to change and to love our mother earth more, as Saint Francis of Assisi would say.

Forum 2 of the "Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth" meeting takes this point of view to address the environmental issue, "Care for the Common Home", and will be enriched by the reflections of figures who have been committed for years to defending the environment and putting this issue on the agenda of their respective religious communities.

Speakers include Hindu exponent Sudheendra Kulkarni, an intellectual and writer, known in India for his positions open to dialogue and collaboration and his opposition to all forms of nationalism and ethnicism; Rabbi David Rosen, witness to the long journey of dialogue in the spirit of Assisi. The participation of Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologne and Jeffrey Sachs, whose commitment to environmental protection is well known, and who is special advisor to the UN Secretary General for environmental issues, will be of great interest. The editor-in-chief of the Catholic newspaper Avvenire, Marco Tarquinio, and a woman, Tanzania's Foreign Minister, Liberata Mulamula, representing the new Africa that seeks ways to human rights and peace..

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