Today's videos

Holiday colours for Ukrainian children who fled the gray of the war. It is the first gift from the Youth for Peace of Rome

What is the first memory to give to the Ukrainian children who have just arrived in Italy? A group of university students of Sant'Egidio welcomed them with a party in the San Giovanni neighborhood of Rome, near the hotel that is hosting fifty Ukrainian refugees, women, and children who arrived from their country in these last days.
Games, dances, a backpack with markers, coloured pencils, and notebooks. These are the first tools that aim to give back the feeling of childhood to those who suddenly had to leave school, friends, and family. For them, it will be necessary to provide school insertion, involvement in educational activities, and learning of the Italian language. With the help of Youth for Peace, the lives of Ukrainian mothers and their children can return to colour, in the hope that the darkness of war will end soon.